This is why File 001 is listed as being released in stores on Jan 5th, 1994, rather than its ISSN creation on Jan 19th, 1994. Baca Komik Detective Conan Chapter 121 Dbartisan 8.5 5 Crack Triple Berry Goo Strain Info Girls With Muscle Bh01 Headphones Pairing Keylemon 3.2. An example of this is that Issue #1 of 2016 (File 941) was released in stores Dec 2nd, 2015 and the ISSN number for that chapter is marked to be created on Jan 1st, 2016. Read Detective Conan Chapter 1057 The Reason for the Cipher Read Detective Conan Chapter 1056 A locked-room murder in the attic Read Detective Conan Chapter 1055 Kogoro, Caught in a Dilemma Read Detective Conan Chapter 1054 The Strong One is. In addition, the date on the front cover on the Shonen Sunday issue may not match the day that it was actually placed in stores. Cari Komik (Manga, Manhwa, Manhua) favorit kamu di Perpustakaan Komik klik. Manga Detective Conan terbaru lainnya tersedia di Komikop. Dates of manga release are based on when the Shonen Sunday magazine containing that chapter were actually released and not when the ISSN number was created. Detective Conan - Chapter 121 - The Revelation : follows the experiences of Shinichi Kudo (also called Jimmy Kudo in Case Closed), a young detective prodigy who had been accidentally shrunk right into a child’s body as a result of toxin he was force fed by members of a. Link baca komik Detective Conan Chapter 1068 bahasa Indonesia.